Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Fuck everything. Fuck words.

I know I just posted, and that I don't mind switching subjects in the middle of sentences, but this hit me like a truck hits a dachshund.

Now that that's out of the way... I'm so sick of hearing words that think they describe people. White, black, straight, gay, lesbian, bi, trans, rich, poor, married, single, autistic, and above all, normal. All of it should go rot. Every word in every page of every DSM ever printed ought to be burned through. And as much as I hate it when people toss labels like that onto me, cramming me into a box I don't belong in because they can identify single traits about me, I hate it much more when people describe themselves that way. I start from nothing and judge based on interaction. When you tell me you're straight or ADHD or whatever you happen to be the first time, I accept that you're just letting me know because you think it's helpful, and sometimes it is. But when you glorify it, or feel the need to reiterate it, or think you are defined by some individual, often unquantifiable trait you possess, I get irritated.

First off, no one needs to throw it in anyone else's face that they're different. Everyone's fucking different. If you can find me two perfectly identical people, in appearance, action, and neurological function, I swear to you, I will eat my computer, prepared however you please. Trying to show me that you're special is like trying to show me that you can speak. I don't mean to dismiss the beauty of each individual, but it's something I'm perfectly capable of discovering for myself. And frankly, it's less annoying and more fun to do so.

Second, I'm not going to treat you any different because your parents beat you or you're ADHD or you survived cancer. I hate being expected to treat people differently. Sure, there are people who I treat differently, but because of my experiences with them or their current state, and no other reason. Everyone is human.

Let me clarify; if, for example, you're uncomfortable around needles, when I do insulin I'll leave or warn you, but it's not because you're uncomfortable around needles, it's because you either asked me to do so or because you reacted badly when I did not. I'm not going to go around intentionally disrespecting or hurting other people. But I will learn for myself who you are and how to interact with you. Neither you, nor anyone else will tell me how.

You are not your diagnosis. You are not the color of your skin. You are not your grades. You are not your social standing. You are not your favorite sports team. You are not your hopes or fears. You are not the clothes you wear, the food you eat, or the car you drive. You are not your favorite TV show, your hi-tech computer, or the bands you listen to. You are not your friends, your degree, or your past.

You are a perfectly crafted, unique human being. I'm sick of people cheating themselves out of that. I want to experience you, not have you handed to me.

End rant. I honestly have no idea where that came from.

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